"If it's a good movie, the sound could go off and the audience would still have a perfectly clear idea of what was going on." Alfred Hitchcock

Sunday Favorites

It's time for my Sunday Favorites! Yay! Here's what the deal is...when we were younger my mother wouldn't let us watch anything on Sunday unless it was 'Sunday appropriate' which means anything musical, Disney, or anything that simply has a good message. Well... it also includes things like BBC originals, Jane Austin flicks, and definitely anything Hallmark. So here is what I will be doing; every Sunday I will write about a great Sunday classic, pretty much anything that would be fun to watch on a relaxing Sunday afternoon. And today's Sunday Favorite is brought to you by the wonderful classics of BBC.

North and South

The passion of the North, the romance of the South...Margaret Hale and her family are faithful patrons of the South, but when her father uproots her and her mother to move to the dismal and depressing, fast paced life of the North, they are nothing but shocked and saddened. Margaret loves the South and is hopelessly devoted to its dreamlike nature and fresh air. And when she is faced with the trials and cruel people of the North, she is ever more devoted to its romance. The Hale family is faced with challenges in the North that they didn't even dream of in the South, a horrible poverty that prompts outspoken Margaret to speak her mind to the unwilling listeners of the North. Margaret's judging words specifically clash with mill owner and master, John Thornton, who has worked his whole life to create this cotton kingdom and doesn't appreciate a stranger coming in and judging something they know nothing about. John Thornton becomes a pupil of Margaret's father and the tensions become high, customs are challenged, and life as they both know it, changes.
This BBC masterpiece is a delightful treat to the romantics at heart. (Which I am) The acting is brilliant along with the costumes, the overall story, and even the beautiful music. This movie is now a permanent part of my collection and will be watched over and over again. It can be the perfect part your Sunday! I give this movie five GOLD stars and five giant thumbs up! :)


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